Do you ever look at a bird and think, "that looks like a chicken"? Well, you're not alone. In fact, there are quite a few birds that bear a striking resemblance to our favorite farm animal. In...
Category: Facts
Bats are like tomatoes in the world of food. Because tomatoes grow from the fertilized ovaries of the flowers in the tomato plants, botanists consider them to be fruits. However, due to their...
There are very few views in the world that are as satisfying as seeing birds fly in the sky. And if you’re as indulged in this hobby as we are, you’d often have noticed that birds flying in large...
Have you ever seen a flower and thought it looked like a bird? There are actually quite a few flowers that look like birds, and today we're going to take a look at nine of them. The next time you're...
Wisconsin is home to many different types of birds, and during the winter months, you can spot some beautiful ones. From Northern Cardinal to White-breasted Nuthatch, we've put together 15 of the...
If you’ve ever spotted an owl in your life, count yourself among the fortunate ones. Very few people can spot an owl in their day-to-day lives, and there’s a good reason behind this. Owls are...