Can Parakeets Eat Rice? What You Need To Know!

Can Parakeets Eat Rice

Parakeets are beautiful little birds that make wonderful pets. They can be very easy to care for and are known for being very social and friendly. They are also extremely intelligent, which makes them a lot of fun to train! Parakeets eat a wide variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and grains. Many people enjoy feeding their parakeet rice because it’s inexpensive and readily available. But is it safe for parakeets to eat? In this article, we will answer that question by looking at the pros and cons of feeding your parakeet rice.

Can parakeets eat rice? Yes, you can feed rice to your parakeets. Rice is a grain, and since grains can constitute about 30% of their diet, rice is both safe and healthy for these birdies. Although parakeets can eat both brown and white rice, the former is a better choice for them due to its nutritiousness. Moreover, both cooked and uncooked rice can be fed to them safely.

Are you wondering about the benefits of feeding rice to your pets? Or are you conflicted about whether you should feed them white or brown rice? Whatever your concerns are, they will be resolved in this article.

The health benefits of rice for the parakeets

Did you know that rice is consumed as a staple diet by roughly half of the world’s population? If such a large number of people have been eating rice every day for years, it has to be beneficial for their health. But what about your feathered pets? Can eating rice be good for their health as well? Let’s find out:

1. Rice is a carb-rich grain that works in your pet’s favor. Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for all birds, including parakeets.

2. Although rice has a moderated fiber content, it is enough for the smooth functioning of your pet’s digestive tract.

3. Rice has low-fat content and zero cholesterol, which means it will not make your pets gain unnecessary weight.

4. Rice contains a moderate amount of protein, which is indispensable in regulating its body temperature. Protein also supports their feather formation.

5. Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), which is essential for their nervous health and improves their muscle functions, is also present in rice.

6. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), plays a key role in several important functions in the body, such as the production of antibodies, respiration, and red blood cell formation.

7. Vitamin B3 (Niacin) can prevent your pets from diseases like Cataracts, Arthritis, and Diabetes.

8. Both Calcium and Magnesium are essential for healthy bone development in your parakeets. Moreover, Magnesium also plays a key role in managing their metabolism.

9. Iron is crucial for cell respiration and also helps in the production of hemoglobin. Its deficiency can lead to Anemia in your pets.


Why should you feed rice to parakeets in moderation?

After going through all the health benefits rice can offer to your feathered pets, you might be wondering why it should be fed to them in moderation. Well, the problem with rice is that its carb content is far too much for your parakeets.

When we eat carb-rich foods like rice, it provides us with the energy to function throughout the day. The same is true for your feathered pets. However, we have a much larger body and brain in comparison to the parakeets and, therefore, need more carbs in a day. Parakeets need a very small amount of carbohydrates for their day-to-day activities.

Therefore, rice is not problematic for your pets when fed occasionally. However, if they’re eating rice on a regular basis, they will not be able to burn all the carbs present in it, which means that the excess carbs will be stored in their body. This excess carb build-up will convert into fat over time, leading to a number of health issues like Diabetes and Obesity.

Practicing moderation

When it comes to your feathered pets, practicing moderation with food can be tricky for many pet parents, particularly the ones that have recently adopted parakeets. If you face this problem as well, don’t worry, I’m here to guide you through it.

All of you must already know that the staple diet of parakeets should consist of seeds and fruits. Grains like rice should ideally make up about 20-30% of their whole diet. However, rice is not the only grain that you should be feeding your feathered pets. Other healthy grains like buckwheat and barley are also a great addition to their diet. This means that you can feed your pets a handful of rice (about 5-6 grams) once a week safely.


The myth about rice killing birds: true or false?

The myth about uncooked rice killing birds has been around for a long time. It originated from the tradition of throwing rice at weddings. Many people believe that the rumor was initially meant to prevent people from wasting rice.

And it makes sense; there is no scientific explanation behind how uncooked rice would expand inside birds’ stomachs and cause them to explode.

In order to expand, rice needs to be cooked in boiling water, which is certainly not present in the digestive tracts of the birds. Many veterinarians have called this rumor false and claimed that rice is completely safe for birds’ consumption.


Rice for parakeets: Cooked or uncooked?

Parakeets, although they’re popular as pets, are originally wild birds that spend their lives in the forests. These birds have neither the tools nor the ability to cook food by themselves and, therefore, are used to eating raw food. Their stomachs are also used to digest uncooked food easily. In other words, uncooked rice is safe for them to eat.

But what about cooked rice? Is it safe for your parakeets? Yes, it is. In fact, most pet owners have claimed that their parakeets prefer soft, cooked rice to uncooked rice. You can give your pets a choice between the two and let them pick whichever they like. However, if your parrots are young, try to feed them only cooked rice since uncooked rice might cause stomachache.

Let’s take a look at the comparative table below to learn more about their nutritional values:

Nutrients Uncooked Rice Cooked Rice
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.07 mg 0.02 mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.05 mg 0.013 mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 1.6 mg 0.4 mg
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) 1.01 mg 0 mg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.16 mg 0.093 mg
Calcium, Ca 28 mg 10 mg
Magnesium, Mg 25 mg 12 mg
Iron, Fe 0.8 mg 0.2 mg
Manganese, Mn 1.09 mg 0 mg
Potassium, K 115 mg 35 mg
Sodium, Na 5 mg 1 mg
Phosphorus, P 115 mg 43 mg
Zinc, Zn 1.09 mg 0.049 mg
Protein 7.1 g 2.69 g
Fat 0.66 g 0.28 g
Carbohydrates 80 g 28.1 g
Sugar 0.12 g 0.05 g
Dietary fibers 1.3 g 0.4 g
Calories 365 kcal 130 kcal

Serving size: 100 grams

As you can clearly see in the table, uncooked rice has a higher nutritional value than cooked one. This is because the process of cooking rice can dissolve the heat-sensitive nutrients present in it. However, since the difference between the two is minimal, there is no harm in letting your feathered pets make a choice.

Brown or White rice: Which one is better for parakeets?

Both brown rice and white rice come from the same plant; white rice is simply a more processed version of brown rice.

When rice is cultivated, it appears brown in color due to the presence of rice bran (a brown-colored outer layer of rice, from which oil is extracted). When this rice is consumed with minimal processing, it is still a whole grain and is called “brown rice”. However, when brown rice goes through the process of milling, where its bran is removed, and it’s polished to appear white, the resulting rice is referred to as “white rice.”

In the table below, you can check out the comparison between the nutritional value of brown rice and white rice:

Nutrients Brown Rice White Rice
Total fat 0.65 g 0.15 g
Fatty acid (saturated) 0.17 g 0.04 g
Carbohydrates 17.05 g 14.84 g
Dietary fibers 1.1 g 0.2 g
Sugar 0.16 g 0.03 g
Protein 1.83 g 1.42 g
Sodium, Na 3 mg 1 mg
Iron, Fe 0.37 mg 0.63 mg
Calcium, Ca 2 mg 5 mg
Calories 82 kcal 68 kcal

Serving size: 100 grams

As you can gather from the table, the less processed brown rice is more nutritious than white rice. This makes it a healthier option for your feathered pets. And although parakeets can be quite picky about their food, they shouldn’t have any problem eating brown rice if you feed it to them from the beginning.

Feeding rice to parakeets: things to remember

Now that you’ve learned everything about feeding rice to your feathered pets, here are a few pointers that might be able to help you in the process:

  • When you’re introducing rice to them for the first time, do so gradually and not all at once. Begin by feeding them a small quantity of rice and increasing it gradually.
  • If your parakeets are younger, try to avoid feeding them uncooked rice since it can make their stomach ache.
  • When you’re feeding your parakeets cooked rice, make sure not to add salt or any other spices to enhance its taste.
  • Apart from rice, rice cereals are also safe for your pets to consume in moderation.
  • Avoid feeding them cooked rice dishes such as rice cakes and puddings.


In conclusion, yes, parakeets can eat rice. However, it should be noted that too much rice can cause your bird to become overweight and even develop diabetes. Make sure you keep an eye on your bird’s weight if you feed him/her a lot of rice.

If you have questions about the diet of your parakeet, or if you have any other questions about parakeet care, please feel free to contact us via email. We look forward to hearing from you!

Have a great day!

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