Parrots like cockatiels are birds of many sounds, a quality that makes them adorable house pets. These birds do not only communicate with you, but also keep the room filled with some sound at all...
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Bluebirds are tiny yet adorable birds that can add more colors and life to your feeder. However, these birds are not easy to lure in. They're reserved and generally avoid humans' company. Here are...
How To Clean Your Bird Feeder: Tips And Tricks You Should Know
Do you also have a garden or a backyard and happen to love birds? You might not know this, but many birds die every year due to a shortage of food. So, putting up a bird feeder is a great way to help...
How To Attract Indigo Buntings To Your Yard? (4 Effective Ways)
Often referred to as “a slice of the sky,” the Indigo Buntings are among the most attractive backyard birds in North America. If their striking plumage isn’t reason enough for you to be drawn...
How To Attract Scarlet Tanagers To Your Yard? (5 Effective Ways)
If you’ve ever heard the song of a scarlet tanager, you would definitely want them to frequent in your yard. These birds have an exceptionally melodious voice and have a vibrant orange plumage that...
How To Attract Cardinals To Your Backyard? (7 Effective Ways)
While blue jays, orioles, and finches are all attractive backyard birds, there will come a time when these birds will fly off to faraway lands (migration), leaving your yard bereft. But do you know...